Monday, July 7, 2008

Diana Gabaldon

Let us all prostrate ourselves at the feet of this wonderful woman. I have just finished the first 3 books of the Outlander series. The library is currently holding out on me for the next 2. They were, "Outlander", "Dragonfly In Amber" and "Voyager". They are gigantic. I loved every second of the approximately 2500 pages read so far. My only complaint, and it is a small one as it will deter me not one bit from voraciously reading all the remaining books in the series, is that I thought it stretched the imagination some that they keep meeting the same characters everywhere they go. Let's face it, the world was a lot bigger in the 1700's and Clair and Jamie get around more than most people. So it is a leeeetle silly that they keep bumping into folks in Jamaica and France and Scotland. (If Lord Grey shows up in America I am going to be put out.) But other than that I am caught hook, line and sinker. I can hardly wait to go on vacation and gorge on more.


Amy said...

Love the first book, waiting for the second. Would categorize it as the thinking woman's bodice ripper. VERY entertaining on those cold, lonely nights. I imagine Gerard Butler as Jamie. He sounds really good when I read it. :)

Emilia said...

Amy, you live in Florida. You don't have cold...unless you're on the north end of your house.

ricracsally said...

Speaking of who would play Jamie, the rights to the movie have been out there and bobbing for some time, so it WOULD be fun for us to throw out who we think should play all the peeps in the book...

Emilia said...

I could see Gerard Butler, but his face doesn't seem quite angular enough. I'm narrowing my thoughts to Scottish actors, but I can't think of anybody else who's big enough.

And are we just talking for Outlander or for the whole series? Butler is too old for Outlander. We need some laddie young buck.

I want John Barrowman for Lord John.

Claire. Who for Claire?

ricracsally said...

Here are some other ideas for casting our movie...

ricracsally said...

Joh Barrowman would be PERFECT for Lord John! All sorts of boy snogging :)

Amy said...

First of all, it got into the 50's last January.

Second, Gerard Butler is not too old to play Jamie in my fantasy, thank you. I just hope they find a Scottish actor...I hate it when they throw in a big Hollywood name and make them do a fake accent. Ugh. How about Gerard Butler for the brother...Dougal? Just so long as he's in there somewhere.

I don't care who plays Claire. So long as it isn't Gwynneth Paltrow or Renee Zelweger.

Amy said...

FYI, the next Jamie/Claire & Roger/Brianna book is due out Fall 2009.