Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist

I am torn by this book (which I picked up right after I watched the movie.) Were it not for the EXCESSIVE use of the "f" word, I would probably give it top marks. It catches being a teen in the tri-state area Perfectly! It gets the music scene on the lower east side exactly right. It gets emotional trauma after exes just right. Honestly, it gets the language just right, too. New Jersey folk do tend to curse like sailors. There's just so much of said language. It's one case where I would say that even though the book does a far better job with character development, it might be better to just watch the movie. I wasn't comfortable having this book lying around where my kids could pick it up and glance at the verbal and for that matter sexual education within.


Dee said...

Loved the movie, but probably won't read the book.

Tricia said...

Have you seen the movie? I hated the excessive language issues and sex in this book, but it was actually kind of cute. I've been kind of afraid to try the movie though (call me a wimp).

Tricia said...

OK, so I went back and re-read the review and saw you did watch the movie. I'm assuming you liked it?