Recipe for reading a new Stephenie Meyer book:
1. Begin.
2. Ignore your children, spouse, and chores through much of the day.
3. Feed your family cold cereal for dinner.
4. Repeat until you reach the end.
What did you all think about this foray into science fiction? Were there enough differences or similarities between The Host and The Twilight series to keep you happy?
Discuss, broads!
Am I allowed to discuss even though I'm not a broad?
I *loved* this book. I was prepared to be disappointed at the lack of vampires, but she's just so good. I liked that it wasn't too similar to the Twilight series, that I could tell. As I was telling your husband- it's not as chick-flicky as the others (though still with an element of romance). It's a totally different angle. But it still sucks me in completely, drives my emotions until i'm crying in the middle of an airport, and creates and entire world so real it seems like you're there.
One of my favorite things about it, I think, is that as the real problems presented themselves in the meat of the book, I couldn't see any easy, happy ending. It was an interesting moral/ethical dilemma that she handled well.
I hereby declare you an honorary broad. (Jen is my SIL, btw)
I have to admit this book didn't grab me and pull me in like the Twlight series. But.... I found myself bawling when they were going to do the surgery on Wanda. The emotion I felt completely took me by suprise. I think this book was a slow build for me, but I was caught in the end.
The book is at the library waiting for me to pick it up! Yay!!!!!!
Yes, I realize it's taken me a while to get to this point, but I'm still excited.
Ok, finished it last night in time to sneak in another episode of Mad Men before bed. I think the kids were in bed...I'm sure they ate yesterday at some point. I joke. I'm a joker. I actually finished this book in a day and a half AND had time to get a haircut. I was in hyperdrive.
Here's my take...didn't suck me in emotionally as some books do, but I really enjoyed the way she wrote it. The I-her-WE transition was perfect. The torment when Mel resurfaced. Yum. I was getting a bit miffed when it was all being wrapped up so nice and neat with the "oh, we just can't let you go" BS, and the whole irony with Kyle, but I liked how it came back together. Cute. Makes me wonder if Edward and Bella will end all nice and tidy like that.
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