Monday, September 22, 2008

Julia's Chocolates

This was our selection for August, but we weren't able to get together until September to discuss it.  We all enjoyed it quite a bit, which is interesting considering that we all found something to complain about.  Several of us were a little annoyed that while chocolate is heavily referred to in the story, Lamb doesn't go into the process of Julia's creations at all.  The characters are so wonderful that we all laughed out loud at all sorts of wonderful things.  I think we all walked away with a few new favorite quotes as well.  (Some of them better for polite company than others.)  

When we gathered to discuss the book, we had a chocolate fountain as our treat.  We all gathered around the table, full of various yummies to dip in chocolate (including bacon...but, never again), and talked and talked and talked until midnight.  I don't know if it was the chocolate or the feeling of female comraderie that the book inspired or just the fact that our book group has some of the coolest broads I know, but it was wonderful to be together to laugh and share and laugh and eat.

Head to the library and pick up a copy of the book.  But be sure to also pick up some chocolate before you head home to read it.

Vive la chocolat! 


joan said...

Bottom of p. 5-
"Aunt Lydia is my mother's older sister. Although my mother decided to marry no less than five times, and have only one (unplanned) child, my aunt has never married or had children."

Bottom of p. 16-
"That was about five years after she had a miscarriage and a drunk doctor slipped with the knife and made Aunt Lydia forever infertile, and then her husband left her."

Emilia said...

Joan, you are a super sleuth. I totally missed that.

Still. There were pigs. I love the pigs. I can overlook all sorts of sins for those pigs.