Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Feast For Crows

I love this series! Amy kept telling me how good they were. I just finished the 4th in the series. It takes place during castle, knights, horses, etc. It is very gritty and gory, but you can't put it down.
There is so much going on in these books I can't begin to describe them. I just want to say that they are worth reading and I can't wait for the next one.


Amy said...

Thanks for posting, I'd totally forgotten about it. The new one is due out next month. Yay.

The books are LONG, each over a thousand pages...but it goes quickly.

Amy said...

Ok, so now the new book, A Dance with Dragons is supposed to come out in March or April...plenty of time to start reading this series and catch up with it before the next installment!