Saturday, June 21, 2008

(A Whopper)-Forever Amber by Kathleen Winsor

See, I find that I too can't resist a big, long, epic book--so when I saw this on the shelves I knew it had to come home with me. Is it good? Weeeeellll, it isn't a runoutandgetit kinda book. The characters have very little depth, and there is a lot of repetition in the plot. On the other hand, it was easy to read (all 900+ pages) in a summer book sort of way.

This was heavily censored (supposedly only a fifth of its original size; Forever Amber was written in first half of 20th century during a somewhat more conservative time [if that is possible]), yet it still deliver lots of immoral behavior (always fun) and delicious descriptions of 17th century clothes and decor, with little social tidbit facts thrown in.

Also, there is a movie based on the novel, made in 1947.

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