Monday, June 2, 2008

Young Adult's ok to look.

Here's my current library haul...and a few favorites:

Artemis Fowl (read them all, loved them all...the graphic novel is also cute)
His Dark Materials (just finished Golden Compass, 'coz I want to watch the movie - well done)
Land of Elyon (read the Dark Hills Divide - book one; cute, very fast read, talking animals)
Coraline by Neil Gaiman (Through the Looking Glass...shops at Hot Topic!)
Stardust - not sure if it qualifies as YA, but the movie was kinda marketed that way. Very entertaining...the book - haven't seen the movie yet.

That's all I've finished for now...I've also borrowed the Inheart/Inkspell...Cornelia Funke series and Theif Lord and Dragon Rider of hers. Should be fun.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Did not like Funke's Inkspell. Made it through the first, dropped the second after about a hundred pages. Boring.

Did make it through the Ender's Game far as Children of the Mind at this point. Loved them. Don't know why they're considered young adult, but whatever. They're making a graphic novel out of Ender's Game...should be interesting, since a movie should also be right around the corner.