Friday, November 14, 2008

Ink Exchange

This is the sequel to "Wicked Lovely". 

This book still involves the original characters, but the focus is shifted to people who were peripheral in the first book.  Instead of so many piercings, this time we heard all about tattoos.  Which is fine.  But not my thing.  Although, the main character made one comment about ink that I found very interesting.  She had been a victim of assault and was almost obsessed with getting a tattoo because it was something that she could do to make her body her own and nobody else's.  I had never considered that angle before.

This book felt a little like a second album from a new popular band.  Said band takes years to amass and perfect the songs for their fabulous first album.  Then they make it big, the album sells, and they are pressured to put out a second album quickly.  And it kinda sucks.  Fans are disappointed, but hold out high hopes for the third album when the band will have had time to regroup and get back to their roots.  Ms. Marr are you hearing me? 

Most of us read it and enjoyed it, but found this one was a lot easier to put down.  

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