Friday, November 14, 2008

A Wind in the Door

The summer after I completed the  third grade, we spent a week at a resort in Vermont where my Dad had a business trip.  A co-worker of his discovered that I enjoyed reading and started listing all her most favorite books that she had read as a child.  At the time, I was more interested in going back to play in the pool some more, but one suggestion stuck with me.  "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle.  It was years later that I finally picked it up, but I was in the mood to reread it last year.  It's a different book to me now than it was then, and a part of me wonders that I got anything out of it when I was younger.

This is book two.  I am reading through the rest of the series because that's what I do.  But, also because they are different than anything else that I read as a child.  I wonder how kids today would perceive them...  Anybody know any kids reading this series?


Tricia said...

Courtney is reading A Wrinkle in Time for Battle of the Books right now. I'm reading it with her and we are both really enjoying it!

joan said...

Kat and Harrison loved these books; Frank was too young to remember, so I guess it's time to start on them again.

Dee said...

Lydia's reading group is reading A Wrinkle in Time in class.